Some people look at a rose bush and see this:
I'm not here to say I pick the rose up without a glove and not take into account the thorns but just as I look past the bad air quality and snow (every once in awhile) there is just something about the majestic mountains of Utah that speak solace to my little soul and I just don't happen to get that anywhere else. This post in no way is to neglect the way my wife feels. I love her and will do all within my little power to make her happy. She gets the feeling I spoke about earlier from California and who am I to judge her when I myself walk imperfectly? I've committed to her that we can live in California when we can afford it and that it would be ideal if we could have a helicopter. I would love to live in California if I could get in my helicopter to avoid traffic and fly that puppy safe into the sky when the inevitable earthquake comes. If you are looking for a wise place to put some cash (and have it be recession proof) I would go out and throw down tons of cash on some Nevada property because when California ends up in the ocean it will turn into oceanfront property. Ely Nevada may be ideal. I love my wife and I love my mountains. Can you guys really see my fat white trash trying to surf the blue waves of San Diego? I like to drive up the mountain (not hike and not camp) and "look down on creation where the only explation I can find is the love that I've found ever since you've been around, your loves got me on the top of the world." This last line may not make sense to anyone but those that are die-hard Carpenter fans. As long as I have Linley I can live in Euthopia and be happy. Nuf said.
P.S. The securities mentioned in this report may not be suitable for all types of investors. This report does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation or specific needs of any particular client. Recipients should consider this report as only a single factor in making an investment decision and should not rely solely on investment recommendations contained herein, if any, as a substitution for the exercise of independent judgment of the merits and risks of investments. The analyst writing the report is not a person or company with actual, implied or apparent authority to act on behalf of any issuer mentioned in the report. Before making an investment decision with respect to any security recommended in this report, the recipient should consider whether such recommendation is appropriate given the recipient's particular investment needs, objectives and financial circumstances. Don't want any crazy lawsuits. You can never be too careful.
you are a seriously funny blogger. I am cracking up at these to posts!!!
you are a dork. what do you do all day? just kidding, i LOVE it. please post once or twice a day so i can giggle. i don't have any majestic feelings in texas, only when i go home. and there are a lot of hazy days to see through in utah. the pacific has a much clearer sky. you should move there.
you are kind of ridiculous. love it.
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